Christine Breese talks about the dark night of the soul on the spiritual awakening path, when a person feels like giving up.
The dark night of the soul is a feeling of meaninglessness and hopelessness, wondering if there is no point in living, and for some it can feel even deeper than depression, like a giving up or surrender to darkness.
The dark night of the soul is a feeling of meaninglessness and hopelessness, wondering if there is no point in living, and for some it can feel even deeper than depression, like a giving up or surrender to darkness.
In the time of the dark night of the soul, this is the darkness before the dawn of a spiritual awakening. This is a sign and symptom of the dark night of the soul when a spiritual awakening that will look like a quantum leap will be happening. So when you ask yourself what is the dark night of the soul or what is the point in living, and the signs and symptoms of the depression that comes with the dark night of the soul, just wait and be still, surrender to this place of being in the void, the doldrums of the spiritual path, when everything seems to have led to nothing, and don't let hopelessness take over. Have hope, don't be hopeless or let meaningless, and don't let meaninglessness be your focus. Just be still in the midst of these dark night of the soul signs and symptoms and realize that there is a point in living, but in the moment this is just the darkness before the dawn in the spiritual awakening path you are in.
A spiritual teacher like Mooji, Adyashanti, Osho, Teal Swan, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Papaji, Doreen Virtue, Ram Dass, and Wayne Dyer give spiritual talks on subjects like the depression, meaninglessness and hopelessness that accompanies the moment of the dark night of the soul. Simply surrender to the void and be at peace while you wait for the dark night of the soul to pass.
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